tKnowIT: Services mostly as usual

With the latest announcement from the government, it is important that you know that tKnowIT is able to provide you with your normal IT support, monitoring and maintenances services.
This includes businesses who currently don’t have a support agreement with tKnowIT but need help on a pay as you go basis. tKnowIT can help with IT systems, assistance with staff working from home, auditing and securing their machines, etc.
It is sad to see so many businesses are having to shut their doors until this all blows-over but I’m in the fortunate position that a lot of IT tasks can be performed remotely.

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CoronaVirus: Working from home – it’s not too late

Since I sent out the checklist for businesses to consider how staff could work from home things have moved on rather rapidly and we are heading for a full lockdown in the UK. Many businesses have staff in self-isolation at home and everyone should be social distancing.

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Coronavirus – Business as usual – your urgent working from home checklist

Your urgent Coronavirus checklist
To ensure your team can work as normally as possible from home

On the 3rd March, the Government published their Coronavirus action plan. In his address, Boris Johnson said that up to a fifth of UK workers “could be off sick at the same time”

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Business Continuity – CoronaVirus

In our current situation with the threat of CoronaVirus and its potential impact on business continuity and productivity, there is a need to think more about what happens if your systems become unavailable for any reason.


9 ways to get staff on board with Cyber Security

The most robust way to protect your business from hackers is to mobilise your staff

Cyber criminals are targeting all businesses, all the time. They want to get into your systems and find ways to steal cash from you.

MS Teams: Here’s how to make project communication as easy as possible

Managing multiple projects with lots of different contributors can be a real headache.

Unless you use one of the world’s favourite collaboration tools – that you may already be paying for.

New Utility: Has your email address been stolen?

Has your email address been stolen?

We have put together a new tool for you to use for free that can tell you if your email address has been stolen.

If it has been stolen you can use the contact form to request more information from us.

Support for Windows 7 ended this week

No doubt you’ve seen on the news or your favourite social platform that Microsoft officially withdrew support for Windows 7 on tuesday. It has now reached the end of its life.

This means that we can no longer provide critical support for your Windows 7 machines.

What does that mean?

Merry Christmas from tKnowIT

Seasons Greeting to one and all,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Remember to have fun if you can and avoid clicking on those phishing links, opening those ‘too good to be true’ emails.

Hackers are targeting your business right now

This is 100% true because they are targeting all businesses, all of the time.

Whereas once hacking was something done for the challenge and the bragging rights, these days it’s a form of organised crime.

Hackers use automated tools that are constantly looking for vulnerabilities they can exploit.

This is why it takes just one click on a dodgy email to let someone into your entire network.

To know what you’re up against, download our brand new guide: The 9 cyber threats you need to know about now.

We’re TKNOWIT LIMITED, looking after businesses in Malton, Ryedale and beyond. And we’re on a mission to educate thousands more businesses around here about how to keep themselves safe from hackers.

Cyber crime is the fastest growing crime to affect businesses. When you see what you’re up against, you’ll be better prepared.

Contact Us discuss in more detail.